Thursday, February 13, 2020

Gatsby test chapter 1-4

Chapter 1:who is nick ?
Where does nick move too ?

Chapter 2:who is Tom ?
How is Tom described in the book?

Chapter 3:who is Gatsby?
where did Nick meet Gatsby at ?

Chapter 4 :What school did Gatsby attend?
Who did daisy marry ?


  1. Nick is the main character
    Nick moves to New York

    Gatsby is a rich ww1 veteran who is mysterious
    Tom is described as big and imposing

    Gatsby is a rich ww1 veteran
    Nick met gatsby at his party

    I don’t know chapter 4 questions

  2. Nick is the main character
    He moves to Long Island

    Tom is Daisy's husband
    He is described as a bulky man that is a jerk

    Gatsby is a rich WWI veteran
    He met him at his party

    He attended a school in Oxford
    She married Tom

  3. 1)Nick is one of the main characters and he moves to New York

    2)Tom is a big and bold person who is married to daisy and is a jerk

    3)Gatsby is a ww1 veteran and met nick thorough a party

    4)he went to oxford and married Tom



1. In my opinion, Gatsby is not a Horrible human being like “Tom” but he was an interesting character. He lived in the past, trying to impre...